Undertaking on a motorcycle means overtaking a vehicle from the left-hand side, between the vehicle and the kerb. It is illegal in the UK and can result in penalty points on your driving licence or even prosecution for dangerous driving.
Undertaking on a motorcycle is an incredibly dangerous manoeuvre that should never be attempted. When you undertake a vehicle, you’re essentially putting yourself in their blind spot and increasing the likelihood of an accident occurring. Even if you think you’re being safe and taking precautions, there’s always the chance that something unexpected can happen – like the driver suddenly veering to the left or changing lanes without checking their mirrors.
The consequences of undertaking on a motorcycle can be severe. Not only can it result in penalty points on your driving licence or prosecution for dangerous driving, but it could also lead to serious injuries or even death. Motorcycles are already more vulnerable than other vehicles due to their lack of protection, so undertaking puts riders at even greater risk.
It’s important for all motorcyclists to understand why undertaking is illegal and why it’s so dangerous. By avoiding this risky manoeuvre, we can help keep ourselves and others safe on the roads. Remember: when in doubt, wait until it’s safe to pass a vehicle properly instead of risking everything by undertaking illegally!
– Undertaking on a motorcycle is considered a dangerous manoeuvre that should never be attempted due to the increased likelihood of accidents.
– The consequences of undertaking can result in penalty points, prosecution for dangerous driving, serious injuries or even death.
– Motorcyclists are already vulnerable due to lack of protection, and undertaking puts them at an even greater risk. It’s important to understand why it’s illegal and avoid this risky manoeuvre.