How Long Do No Claims Bonus Last for Motorcycle Insurance?

No Claims Bonus (NCB) for motorcycle insurance typically lasts for 2 years. However, this can vary between insurers, so it’s important to check the specific policy terms and conditions. NCB can help reduce the cost of premiums by up to 70% for those who haven’t made a claim in a certain period of time.


When it comes to motorcycle insurance, the No Claims Bonus (NCB) can be a game-changer. It is essentially a reward system for riders who have not made any claims on their policy during a certain period of time. Different insurers may have varying periods that they consider when calculating NCB, but typically it lasts for two years.


The benefit of having an NCB is that it can lead to significant reductions in the cost of premiums. Depending on the insurer and other factors such as age and location, riders with an NCB could see their premiums drop by up to 70%. This can make all the difference between being able to afford comprehensive cover or only third-party liability coverage.


It’s important, however, to note that each insurer has its own terms and conditions regarding how much discount will apply based on your NCB rating. For example, some may offer a lower percentage reduction for new customers compared with renewing ones, while others might limit how many years you can get discounts from your NCB rating. As such, always read through your policy documents carefully before making any decisions about which motorbike insurance policies are best suited for you.


– The No Claims Bonus (NCB) is a reward system for motorcycle riders who have not made any claims on their policy during a certain period of time.
– Different insurers may have varying periods that they consider when calculating NCB, but typically it lasts for two years.
– Riders with an NCB could see their premiums drop by up to 70%, making all the difference between being able to afford comprehensive cover or only third-party liability coverage.